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Introduction to Creative Dance in Early Childhood

Female dance teacher leading 3 very young female dancers in yellow skirts.

Professor: Lynn Monson

Tuition: $310 member / $385 non-member

6 Weeks; 1.5 NDEO-Endorsed PDCs

This course explores the concepts and content essential for quality teaching and learning for creative dance for early childhood. Cognitive and child development, standards, assessment, pedagogy and the foundations of curriculum development will be investigated through readings, research, observation and interactive projects. The course will explore BrainDance, developed by Anne Green Gilbert, and its 8 patterns of movement (Breath, Tactile, Core-Distal, Head-Tail, Upper-Lower, Body Side, Cross Lateral, and Vestibular) to show how it addresses child development principles and current brain research. Participants will grapple with essential questions, and learn the skills to be able to develop and implement a creative dance curriculum outline for either 3-5 or 6-8 years of age.

Book required: None

Questions about this Course?  Email

Past Student Testimonials

"I was able to break down the brain patterns, learn more about the brain and where my dancers are developmentally.  I like the resources and assignments that really had me thinking, debreifing, and explaining in my own words to solidify the content learned."

"Provided me with multiple lenses to examine my teaching.  New reasons for teaching dance."

"I learned quite a bit about the Brain Dance Compatible Teaching theories and like them very much.  I thought that the homework exercises overall were very helpful in cementing the material in our minds."

"I really like how this course delved into the brain development principles and patterns and gave me more opportunities for thoughtful, planned instruction.  I also very much appreciated the accessibility to the instruction. Lynn was open with her feedback and always available for guidance."

"This coures opened my mind to so much I wouldn't have otherwise learned about.  I would have felt lost without the important knowledge I gained from this course.  I really like that the course kept building upon itself with the neuroscience foundation, standards, patterns, and principles that all come together and intertwined to provide creativedance instruction in the most optimal and beneficial way."

Professor Bio

Lynn Monson trained at Hartford Ballet in Hartford, CT, completing their Teacher Training Certificate Program in 1975, after which she co-directed a branch school for Hartford Ballet. For over 30 years, she taught Ballet, Creative Movement, Modern, Jazz and Tap to all ages, pre-school to adults, at a variety of venues with a particular focus on creative movement for early childhood and elementary aged children. Lynn studied Labanotation at the Dance Notation Bureau in New York City and is a certified Labanotation teacher. Lynn completed a BA in Dance at Arizona State University and performed with the Thursday in the Dark Dance Co. For 11 years, she managed multiple campuses for Carmel Community Arts & Technology Charter School (K-12). Her responsibilities included developing the dance and integrated curriculum, conducting staff training, writing federal and state grants, directing school accountability, and teaching dance classes. Lynn also served as a trainer for the City of Phoenix Artspace program. Lynn was a member of the team that wrote the Performance Objectives for the Arizona Dance Standards in 1997. In 2005-06, she worked on the writing team to revise the Arizona Dance Standards and is currently working on developing state assessments for dance. Lynn is a member of the Dance Notation Bureau, International Council of Kinetography Laban, National Dance Education Organization, a board member of the Arizona Alliance for Arts Education, and served on the board of the Arizona Dance Arts Alliance. She was instrumental in the formation of the Arizona Dance Education Organization and has served as Secretary and President and is currently Executive Assistant. Lynn teaches OPDI-107: Creative Dance in Early Childhood and OPDI-M6: Introduction to Creative Dance for Early Childhood.

How Courses Work