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NDEO's Dance Education Blog features updates on NDEO's programs and reflections from NDEO leadership on the world of dance education. NDEO members are also invited to contribute by submitting to the Guest Blog Series, which features posts written by members.
NDEO's Guest Blog Series provides NDEO members with an opportunity to have short articles published on NDEO's official blog. Interested bloggers may submit posts on any topic directly related to dance education or connected fields, such as arts administration, studio or program management, somatics, dance science, etc. Past guest blog posts have spanned a range of topics, including:
Guest Blog Submission Form
Best Practices for Guest Blog Writing
This program is a member benefit, and bloggers must be NDEO members to be featured. Please fill out the online application form in its entirety to be considered for the program. You will need to submit a copy of the post in Microsoft Word (preferred) or PDF format, a bio of no more than 200 words, and at least two photos (a headshot and at least one action photo) with photo release and photographer credit information. Interested writers are encouraged to visit the blog to get a sense of the scope of topics that have been covered. In addition, please take note of the following information:
Photo by Ron Barkley and Susan Pope