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The Dance Education Literature and Research descriptive index (DELRdi) is a dance education discipline specific resource that cites thousands of documents, that can quickly answer a specific dance education practitioner's question OR provide sources for developing extensive research projects and bibliographies.

Full Access to the DELRdi Search Functions is a Benefit of NDEO Membership

NDEO Current Member Access:

One-click Access to the full capability of the DELRdi directly through your NDEO Member login. No need to log in separately to the database.

To access DELRdi online, please log into your current membership. 
Once logged in, a purple button will appear below. 


Additional Access Options:

Non-Member:  Anyone that is NOT an NDEO Member can still access the DELRdi, but will have limited search access in that they can "find" the document but cannot view the full citation which includes an abstract as well info on where to obtain that document. Access DELRdi Here as a Non-Member

Institutional Library License: Unlimited computer access 24/7. $850.00 per year. 30 day free trial available. More Info on Library License. 

30-Day Access: This option is for anyone working on a specific project and needs access but does not want a full NDEO Membership. The cost is $30. Contact for assistance with the 30-day access pass.

Dance Education Research

Advancing Research

Support for Research

Members in the Field

Research Priorities Report

Research Committee