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Dance Education in Practice

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Welcome to Dance Education in Practice (DEiP). This journal provides a rich resource for dance educators. Each issue includes articles from teachers about what they do in the studio and classroom, which we hope will inspire you in your own practice. We cover the vast breadth of the field from private schools of dance, to K-12 classrooms, to college and universities, to community centers, to professional companies and more. Columns on resources for dance teaching, coverage of current trends in the field, and viewpoints from dance educators and students enhance the feature articles. A stimulating read from cover to cover, Dance Education in Practice embodies the voice of the practitioner.

Subscription Information

An online subscription (including access to back issues) of DEiP is included with Professional, Young Professional, PhD/EdD Candidate, Institutional, Undergraduate and Graduate Student memberships. Retirees can purchase DEiP for an additional $10.

Online Access

Effective with Volume 20(2) - June 2020 - The Journal of Dance Education and Dance Education in Practice went fully online. This change impacts all future issues and volumes. We look forward to providing you with the same great content in a convenient online format, while reducing our environmental impact and ensuring the financial health of the organization. NDEO will no longer mail print copies of its two journals.

If you have questions about a missing volume or if you want to order an extra copy of a particular volume, please contact Taylor & Francis at 215-625-8900 x 771 or at


View NDEO's other online journal, Journal of Dance Education.