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National Associations Partnership

New Partnership Promotes Arts-Rich Schools for All - Introducing the Arts Education Alliance

NDEO along with the National Association for Music Education, Educational Theatre Association, National Art Education Association, and the National Association for Media Arts Education will partner to amplify the value of arts education through joint advocacy work, including supporting federal legislation such as the Arts Education for All Act, the Reimagining Inclusive Arts Education Act, the Guarantee Access to Arts and Music Education Act, and the anticipated Equitable Arts Education Enhancement Act. The partners will also advocate for music and arts educators to receive the resources they need to provide quality arts instruction: dedicated space, budget, and class time; professional learning opportunities; and a supportive school community.

For more information on this partnership & to read the full press release please click here.

National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)

8609 Second Ave, Suite #203B
Silver Spring, MD 20910

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