Feb. 10 to March 23, 2025
Professor: Cari Freiberger
Tuition: $310 member / $385 non-member
6 Weeks; 1.5 NDEO-Endorsed PDCs
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This course will dive into the history, current practices, and future considerations of ballet training and performance. Knowledge of the timeline of the development of the art of ballet will blend with the importance of contextual understanding that can be incorporated into your individual practice as well as solid information to pass onto students in teaching contexts. Through the course, we will explore the development of ballet as a dance form and many of the influences that shaped ballet as an art form, while exploring issues that exist presently and that will impact the future of ballet. As the course aids you in enhancing your own complex understanding of the art of ballet, it will assist you in delivering content that is relevant to your own important relations and interpretations of ballet and will guide you in new understandings and delivering of ballet teachings and learnings for yourself and your students.
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