Professor: Dr. Rima Faber
Tuition: $550 member / $625 non-member
12 Weeks; 3 NDEO-Endorsed PDCs
Consider the following:
1) Grants are now requiring assessment procedures that are academically sound
2) Most dance educators have never been trained to clearly determine student achievement nor learned how to foster improvement through assessments techniques
3) For teachers who received certification a good while ago, assessment procedures have changed greatly in the past decade, especially for dance educators
4) New teacher evaluation systems being considered by many states are based on proof of student learning.
This course is based on authentic assessment experiences that you can use in your dance classes. Some questions explored are: What is assessment? What functions do assessments serve? How are different types of assessment tools developed and used? How can assessments measure student learning and growth?
This course helps teachers understand their students using formative, summative and authentic assessments. Students will use a wide variety of assessment techniques, tools, and instruments to support their learning process, build their own assessments in dance, and construct traditional educational testing instruments. Previous understanding of national, state, or district dance standards is helpful.
Two Books Required:
1) Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know, 9th ed. by James Popham (2019). USA: Available on Amazon. Electronic available from Pearson
2) How to Create and Use Rubrics by Susan M. Brookhart (2013) Alexandria, VA: Available on .
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