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Start an NSO

Male dance teacher teaching a group of college students in a dance studio

The National Dance Education Organization supports students who are the future professionals in dance and dance education. As such, the NDEO supports an NDEO Student Organization (NSO) program at the postsecondary level. Colleges and universities can establish an NDEO Student Organization at their institution. NSO's encourage students to participate in activities affiliated with the national organization, including conferences and governance, and to unite on a local level to address important issues and concerns, host activities, and recognize the outstanding accomplishments of one another.

NDEO Student Organizations at colleges or universities may also implement and administer the National Honor Society for Dance Arts program to honor outstanding artistic, academic and leadership achievement in dance students.

NDEO Student Organization (NSO) Activities

An NSO provides leadership and social opportunities for student members. Activities can be both on and off campus. The activities can be in collaboration with already existing student organizations, community organizations, K-12 schools and dance studios. Each NSO will function differently depending on the needs of those student members in particular dance programs.

Recommended activities for NSOs include, but are not limited to:

  • Organizing performance opportunities
  • Implementing mentorship programs with incoming freshmen or local high school dance students
  • Sponsoring dance technique classes or workshops for the school or community
  • Raising money to benefit local dance initiatives or charity programs
  • Administering the National Honor Society for Dance Arts - separate application required for this
  • Organizing advocacy efforts either at the university or city/state level
  • Hosting professional and career development networking events
  • Preparing and submitting a proposal to present at the NDEO National Conference with the help of their faculty advisor

Guidelines for Establishing an NSO

  • NSOs can only be established at institutions that have Institutional Membership with NDEO.
  • NSOs must create a Charter or Constitution when setting up their chapter.
  • NSOs, where possible, should register with their institution’s student organization/club governing body.
  • The NSO must be initiated by students of the degree awarding institution.
  • NSOs may associate with NDEO either through their NDEO State Affiliate organization or through their parent NDEO Institutional Member.
  • The NSO must have a designated Faculty Advisor to assist in administration.