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NDEO offers a variety of professional development conferences each year inlcuding our annual National Conference, Special Topic Conferences, and Virtual Summits.  Read on to learn more about our various offerings, and find one that is right for you!

NDEO National Conference

Several NDEO members posing with excited faces in a hotel conference space.Held annually in the fall, a typical in-person NDEO National Conference includes three full days of over 250 workshops, master classes, panel and paper presentations, social events and performances. A full day of pre-conference intensives precedes the official start of conference. The full conference schedule is generally released online over the summer before that year's conference. NDEO rotates sites throughout the United States each year; see upcoming conferences below for future sites and dates. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, NDEO National Conference was held virtually in 2020 in 2021.

Upcoming Conferences

2025 National Conference
Saturday, October 4 - Monday, October 6, 2025
pre-conference Intensives Friday, October 3
Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center | Detroit, MI

2026 NDEO National Conference
Friday, September 25 - Sunday, September 27, 2026
pre-conference Intensives Thursday, September 24
Albuquerque Convention Center | Albuquerque, NM

2027 NDEO National Conference
Friday, November 5 - Sunday, November 7, 2027
pre-conference Intensives Thursday, November 4
Hyatt Regency Chicago | Chicago, IL

Click here to view past National Conferences.

Special Topic Conferences

NDEO Special Topic Conferences are regional events in which a small group of participants delves into a specific issue or area of concern or interest. Participants learn from experts in the subject matter, experience practice-based presentations from fellow dance education professionals, network with colleagues from their area, and often work to generate white paper reports about the issue at hand. Oftentimes, NDEO Special Topic Conferences initiate working groups that continue meeting and working long after the initial conference. Click here to view past Special Topic Conferences.

Upcoming Special Topic Conferences

What Data Can Do for You: Data-Driven Opportunities in Dance Education
Saturday, February 24 - Sunday, February 25, 2024
Oakland University | Rochester, MI
In partnership with Oakland University

Somatic Movement in Dance Education: Enhancing Health and Creativity for Teachers & Students
Friday, July 19 - Sunday, July 21, 2024
Gibney: Agnes Varis Performing Arts Center | New York, NY
In partnership with the International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association (ISMETA)

Virtual Summits

A 1-Day mini-conference packed with live sessions for dance teachers! Our Virtual Summit for PreK-12 Dance Educators will feature 10+ live virtual sessions for prek-12 dance teachers delivered across 5 different session blocks, including movement sessions, panel discussions, and paper presentations on various topics and for different prek-12 environments. Following the success of our Virtual National Dance Education Conferences in 2020 and 2021 and subsequent Virtual Professional Development Days, and in line with our commitment to Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) is excited to continue our Virtual Professional Development (PD) Days for Dance Teachers under a new name, Virtual Summit! In addition to our annual in-person NDEO Conference, our Virtual Summits are an accessible professional development alternative for those who are not able to attend the in-person NDEO Conferences.

Upcoming Virtual Summits