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Who are NDEO members?

a group of dancers in different poses at the NDEO National Conference in Atlanta

NDEO members are educators, artists, administrators, students, professionals, and advocates working in diverse environments. They represent private schools of dance, preK-12 education, professional preparation programs, performing arts organizations and academies, professional dance companies, colleges and university dance programs, and cultural and community programs. They collectively teach, create, and perform all genres of dance.

NDEO members are diverse in age, gender, socioeconomic status, ability, and ethnicity and live in all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and throughout the international community. With diverse backgrounds and interests, NDEO members create a rich community of individuals and institutions dedicated to advancing dance education centered in the arts.

Why Join NDEO?

NDEO is a member-driven organization. Members vote, hold office, develop world-class publications, serve on national task force committees, develop student and teacher standards and assessments, choreograph, teach dance and academics, administer dance programs, and do research and a host of other professional activities. To a large extent, members determine the future directions of the organization - and importantly, they make systemic change in dance education.

Sign Up for Membership Here

Your NDEO membership gives you access to: 

A dance teacher surrounded by young dance students
  • Professional Development opportunities including national and special topic conferences and online courses
  • Opportunities for Leadership on Board committees, programs, and initiatives
  • Research and Publications exploring the breadth of dance education resources and knowledge
  • Standards for dance education teaching and practice
  • Awards and Scholarships to deepen your knowledge and celebrate contributions to the field
  • A National Honor Society and awards recognition program for exceptional students(institutional members only)
  • A Network of leaders and peers eager to share knowledge and best practices
  • A National Voice to advocate for dance education in the arts, influence change, and impact policy