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Junior/Secondary Handbook

Induction Information

How does a student apply for Induction?

Students are responsible for documenting all their activities that are worthy of points. Students can track their points using the Point Tracking Worksheet available by clicking here, or using another method such as a spreadsheet, portfolio, or online system. Documentation must be submitted to the Chapter Sponsor by the requested deadline (to be determined by the sponsor). The student will then apply for induction on the Student Application page. The student will create an account, entering their name (exactly as it is to appear on the certificates, with the desired spelling and capitalization) , search for their NHSDA chapter, enter their graduation date, and OPTIONALLY they can upload their point tracking worksheet and transcript for easy review by the Chapter Sponsor.

What role does the Chapter Sponsor play in the Induction process?

The Chapter Sponsor should guide the students through the Induction process by providing them with all necessary information and resources, including requirements, deadlines, fees, etc. He or she should explain the criteria for Induction and notify students that records of their activities will be maintained. Records for each prospective and active inductee should be maintained by the student and a copy given to the Chapter Sponsor. The Chapter Sponsor also should provide a calendar that specifies deadlines for submitting documentation for induction.

The Chapter Sponsor will be responsible for approving / verifying points earned and for determining when each student has met the criteria for Induction. Once documentation of points has been provided by the student, the Chapter Sponsor will fill out the Induction Rubric for each applicant to maintain for the Chapter’s records. The Chapter Sponsor can then log into their account to finish the induction process. The Chapter Sponsor should submit induction approvals and payments at least three weeks before the induction ceremony in order to allow ample time for the NDEO home office to mail any induction items ordered. 

Students/parents cannot pay individual induction fees or order pins or cords.

What do students receive when they are inducted?

All students will receive official certificates of Induction either printed by the Chapter Sponsor or by the NDEO Office (this is included in the $8/student induction fee or $12/student induction fee). There is an additional fee for the optional gold honor pins for Student Induction ($8.50 plus shipping) and blue/white Graduation Cords* for graduating seniors($17.50 plus shipping).

*In cases where an inducted student is a member of an NHSDA chapter at dance studio or other program outside of a K-12 school, please be aware that some K-12 schools will not allow the graduating senior to wear the NHSDA graduation cords at graduation since the honor was earned in a program outside of that K-12 school. In this case, parents and chapter sponsor of the inducted student can petition the (K12) school principal or administration for approval to wear the cords. This should be done well in advance of the graduation date.

When are inductions held?

NHSDA Inductions are conducted on a rolling basis, with Chapter Sponsors determining the timeline for Induction that works best for the Chapter. There is no national deadline for Induction. Chapters may hold Inductions as many times as is necessary throughout the year, however, the average appears to be two inductions a year – once before winter/holiday break and again in May/June. The Chapter Sponsor should select an induction date and tell students to have all proof of points earned turned in and their online application completed on the Student Application page at least 4 weeks before the induction date. This gives the teacher a week to assimilate the names/points, complete the Induction Rubric for each student, verify inductions in the Manage NHSDA Chapter(s) portal, collect the fees, submit payment for induction fees, order the pins or graduation cords and plan the ceremony.

NHSDA Student Induction Criteria

The NHSDA Induction criteria are designed to allow for flexibility at the chapter level so that honor society induction reflects and supports the school or studio's mission and circumstances. There are 3 main criteria – earned participation points, character and GPA.

Earned Participation Points

This category reflects points earned for meritorious participation in a wide variety of dance activities. The NHSDA National Induction Point System (see the Point System at the end document) provides a range of points possible for various activities. Chapter Sponsors may use their discretion in awarding points – from zero to the maximum – according to the quality of the work performed in a given activity. Students accumulate points until they have earned the number required for induction.

To qualify for induction into the Junior Program, a student must earn 15 points, at least 10 of which should be earned while participating in dance activities within the program of the chapter site. To qualify for induction into the Secondary Program, a student must earn 30 points, at least 20 of which should be earned while participating in dance activities within the program of the chapter site. At the sponsor’s discretion, a student may earn up to 5 points (Junior Program) and 10 points (Secondary Program) while participating in community dance activities or other activities in the performing arts outside of the chapter program. Prospective inductees should submit documentation (e.g., programs, signed letters of participation) for any activities outside of the chapter’s program to the Chapter Sponsor.

Demonstration of Character

This category reflects the student’s demonstration of collaborative teamwork, motivation, and leadership. The Chapter Sponsor should evaluate the student’s demonstration of the above qualities through observation during classes, rehearsals and other dance program activities, as well as demonstrated leadership (e.g., serving as a dance team or club officer, participation in service projects). Community service activities might include unpaid performances, teaching or assisting dance classes, as well as participation in sponsored fundraisers. A minimum “Above Average” rating in this category is required for NHSDA induction. The student must not display any conduct or behavior that jeopardizes their own safety, the well-being of others, or the integrity of the NHSDA program. (These include, but are not limited to, disruptive or aggressive behavior in or outside of the studio, bullying or mistreating others, and unprofessional conduct in classes or rehearsals.)

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Students must earn a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 for NHSDA Induction. NDEO allows for the Chapter Sponsor to implement a higher GPA requirement to be consistent with other honor societies at the school; this helps to elevate dance within the school curriculum as a course of study worthy of recognition. For example, if induction into your school's chapter of the National Honor Society requires a GPA of 3.5, you are encouraged to set your NHSDA Chapter's minimum GPA at the same level, should that feel appropriate for your school culture.
In the case of dance studios and other programs outside of K-12, it is recommended that students turn in a copy of their report card to their Chapter Sponsor showing their cumulative GPA. If a student is homeschooled and bases their grades on a 100-point system, each "point" of their 100 counts for .04 of the 4.0 GPA. For example, if the student's grade is 80 out of 100 points, their GPA entered on the NHSDA site would be 3.2 If a student is homeschooled and does not participate in a point grading system, a GPA can be established by the parent writing an official letter to the Chapter Sponsor stating that their student has achieved academic excellence.

All GPA records should be maintained by the sponsor or appropriate school personnel and should be handled in a manner that respects the privacy of the student and is in compliance with FERPA regulations.

How do students stay inducted?

Student Induction is a lifetime recognition, and the NHSDA designation remains with the student's record. However, it is up to the discretion of the Chapter Sponsor to determine what constitutes an active chapter member and if the student is eligible to wear the honor cords at graduation.