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OPDI-117: Developing Strategic Leadership in Dance and Life

January 29, 2024 - April 21, 2024

Start/End Date

01/29/2024 - 04/21/2024


8:00 AM

Early Bird Discount Deadline


Registration Deadline



OPDI-117: Developing Strategic Leadership in Dance and Life Event Image

This course looks at leadership as a complex process that has multiple dimensions. We begin with questioning: What is the role of ethics, integrity, and character in the leadership process? Is leadership more dependent on innate traits, skills and characteristics, or is it more learned behavior and strategy? This course focuses on the latter – learned behavior that requires one formulate and execute strategy. In narrowing our focus to lead with strategic thinking, we examine four ways effective leaders gain insight, drive change, and get results. In this journey, we draw on aspects of cognitive psychology, systems thinking, and game theory to inform strategy – a truly fascinating concept. When we integrate formulating strategy with executing strategy and apply intent to those functions, leadership types emerge – visionary, directive, incubating, and collaborate. We examine these in detail looking at core and applied competencies associated with strategic leadership. Case studies allow us to deconstruct and reconstruct concepts learned; ultimately understanding how formulating and implementing strategic thinking is critical to effective and successful leadership. In each module, students apply course content to personal and professional situations through doing many self-reflective inventories to provide base-line information about their own innate or acquired abilities; and building a Learning Opportunity case study applying lesson learned. Indeed the course provides the dance educator and administrator with important and practical ways to develop critical skills sets, develop actionable approaches to solving problems, and capitalize on innate strengths.

Book required: Olson, Aaron K. & Simerson, B. Keith. (2015). Leading with Strategic Thinking: For Ways Effective Leaders Gain Insight, Drive Change, and Get Results. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Registration Fees

NDEO Member Price
Non-Member Price
OPDI Waitlist
Hotel/Meal Package



Presenters will be added as they are confirmed for the event.
Name Organization Speaking At
Jane Bonbright
<p><strong>Jane Bonbright, Ed.D. </strong>is Founding Executive Director of NDEO. She dedicated fifty years to dance performance, education, research, administration, and dance/arts advocacy at national and state levels. As the Founding Executive Director (1998-2012), she worked to impact US policy, legislation and funding for dance art education in the U.S. and spearheaded NDEO networks, programs and services. She served as Director of the Research in Dance Education Project and co-authored <em>Priorities for Research in Dance Education: A Report to the Nation</em> (2005) and authored many other publications. Currently, Jane served as Director of the NDEO&rsquo;s Online Professional Development Institute (2012-2022).&nbsp; She is the recipient of NDEO&rsquo;s Lifetime Achievement award (2009), CODA&rsquo;s Alma Hawkins award for Excellence in Dance Education (2007), and CORD&rsquo;s Outstanding Research in Dance Research award (2003).&nbsp;</p>
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