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Conference Policies

All attendees at the 2024 NDEO National Conference agree to the following.

Code of Conduct

NDEO is committed to ensuring all attendees feel welcome and safe at our event. Join us by treating your fellow attendees with respect and compassion, holding space for new or challenging ideas, and engaging in discussions thoughtfully. NDEO is dedicated to advancing dance education in the arts through the lens of justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and access. We encourage all attendees to be mindful of and sensitive to this framework as you engage in event activities and with attendees.

NDEO actively promotes the respect for and value of human diversity within its membership and the professions of dance. NDEO does not condone nor tolerate harassment or offensive behavior. If you feel unsafe at any point during the event or witness behavior that puts others at risk, please contact an NDEO staff member ( and NDEO Executive Director Susan McGreevy-Nichols ( NDEO will investigate incidents promptly and confidentially. NDEO reserves the right to revoke, without refund, access to the event.

Liability Waiver

As a condition of my participation at this NDEO event, I hereby waive any claim I may have against the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) and its officers, directors, employees, or agents, or against the presenters or speakers, for reliance on any information presented, and I release NDEO from and against any and all liability for damage or injury that may arise from my participation or attendance at the event. I acknowledge and understand that participation in an in-person event may increase my exposure risk to infectious diseases including but not limited to Covid-19. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as Covid-19, and agree to hold NDEO harmless. I acknowledge that participation in NDEO events and activities brings some risk and I hereby assume responsibility for my own well-being. I further understand and agree that all property rights in the material presented, including common law copyright, are expressly reserved to the presenter or speaker or to NDEO.

National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)

8609 Second Ave, Suite #203B
Silver Spring, MD 20910

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