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Dance + Data - Special Topic Conference - Feb. 24 - 25, 2024

Announcing a new NDEO Special Topic Conference - What Data Can Do for You: Data-Driven Opportunities in Dance Education

February 24 - 25, 2024, Oakland University School of Music, Theatre and Dance, Rochester, MI (Detriot area)

  • How can we use case study as well as statistical analysis to explore our effectiveness? Are these methods the best way to assess our teaching practices?
  • In what ways can data be used to better communicate and advocate for dance education? How can we most effectively speak to those outside our field?
  • What kind of research collaborations can we do to demonstrate connections between students who participate in dance programs and staying in school, graduating, and college attendance?
  • Is it meaningful to explore the correlation between K-12 Dance education and success in testing, or is this something that should be left behind?
  • How can we create curriculum that allows us to teach 21st century skills through dance?
  • How can we use data to evaluate our standards and more effectively teach dance literacy?
  • How can dance be used most effectively to enhance content learning as well as create arts integrated projects? How should these projects be evaluated and what data should be collected?
  • How should we assess areas like trauma informed teaching in the dance classroom and studio, teaching dance to students with disabilities, educational psychology, family and community connections, and national standards? What does data-driven education mean for these important aspects of Dance Education?

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